CSED is committed to safeguarding, as far as reasonably possible, the welfare of children, youths and vulnerable adults who participate in our organised activities.
We expect all staff, volunteers and partners to share this commitment and believe that all staff, volunteers and partners have a responsibility to report any concern about the welfare of any child, youth or vulnerable adult.
In compliance with the UN Right of the child (1989) and the Children’s Right Act (Nigeria; 2003) we are committed to ensuring that:
- The safety and welfare of children, youths and adults at risk whilst under our care is paramount.
- All children, youths and adults at risk that engage with CSED, regardless of age, gender cultural background, religion disability, ethnicity, have the right to safety and protection from abuse or harm.
- All suspicions, reports and/or allegations of abuse are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly which may involve referral to the appropriate local authority Social Welfare Office and the Police.
We do this by:
- Working hard to ensure we engage the right persons to be involved with our intervention work.
- Ensure we train and monitor volunteers and sessional programme facilitators to ensure they exhibit the right behaviour while they are working on behalf of CSED.
- Have clear processes in place to deal with any incident, concerns or allegation.
- Ensure that our Trustees, programme facilitators and volunteers who have access to children and youths; are supervised by the school staff and coaches.
If you are concerned about the welfare of any child associated with CSED intervention programme, please contact us immediately.